Landscape Edging

Landscape Designs and Landscaping Ideas

Hair Salon Interior Design

The interior design architecture for a hair salon needs to allow employees to quickly access all of their tools easily. It also has to make the entire hair salon very inviting to the customers. Since there are hair salons that cater to different groups of people their particular style needs to be taken into consideration.

ImageIn a traditional hair salon layout the work stations are in a straight line. This can lead the customers to thinking they aren’t getting the one on one attention they desire. To give the concept of some privacy while procedures are being done in a hair salon work stations need to be separated. This can easily be accomplished by placing the work stations at different angles and directions throughout the hair salon.

Since many of the same supplies are used to complete pedicures and manicures it only makes sense to have them located in the same area. Placing a beautiful wall separator or colors curtain to make a division between the two areas is a great idea.

You want the person getting a pedicure or manicure to feel very pampered during the entire process. The chairs need to be very comfortable and you need to have a good way to display the various nail colors they can choose from. The interior design of this area of the hair salon needs to be inviting so they will immediately feel comfortable. This is going to help them relax and enjoy the pampering they are getting.

Any time someone comes to your hair salon they should immediately feel welcome and like they are in a new environment. Most people come to a hair salon to do something for themselves. It can be a routine hair cut, a new style, a pedicure, a manicure, or a combination of these. The interior design of a hair salon says a lot about what the customers can expect from it.


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