Portable air conditioner units
· A portable air conditioner installation is generally used for cooling small space, of about four hundred to four hundred and fifty square feet area
· Portable air conditioner can be easily carried around. One can install portable air conditioner on wheels to facilitate room to room movement.
· A typical portable air conditioner unit such as the Kenwood portable air conditioner and the Maytag portable air conditioner has both hot and cold sides. It may not be fixed at any place, but it would need to be connected to an area like a window so that the hot air vents out, both during low and high velocity air conditioning
· According to the rated portable air conditioner options, the clear air portable air conditioner rating has been given to dual vent units as against the single vent ones.
· The portable air conditioner water-drips cost less than the non drip ones (that are less moisture producing). Check out a discount portable air conditioner at portable air conditioner sales for best deals.
Window mounted air conditioner
· Window mounted air conditioner can cool, filter, circulate, and dehumidify the air in the room.
· Its size ranges from units as small as with cooling capacity of five thousand BTUs, which can be used for cooling small sized rooms, to units that can go as far as cooling with a capacity of twelve thousand and five hundred BTUs.
· For customers, it is essential to select such an air conditioner that is just of the right size. For example opting for an excessively large sized conditioner for a relatively small room may serve the purpose of cooling, but it tends to leave behind an uncomfortably damp as well as clammy feel, owing to the high level of humidity. Going for an undersized window unit air conditioner on the other hand can result in inadequate cooling, especially on the more hot days.
· Always make sure that you select your cooling unit on the basis of its BTU, since that is the actual measure of the cooler’s cooling capacity. Do not go by horsepower to decide its cooling measure of a window air conditioner.
· To know the efficiency, divide its watt by its BTU. For models having less than eight thousand BTUs per hour, the ideal EER or the Energy Efficiency Rating is minimum 9.7. For others it should be at least 9.8. Generally the models giving maximum efficiency have an EER of minimum11. Make sure the EER is clearly marked.
· Generally they come with kits of window mounting, that have extra support still brackets, with side vents, so that it fits airtight well to the window.
· It in important to ensure that the unit goes with the window where it is to be fit,. While they are generally double gung-window compatible, some air conditioners casement may support casement windows too. There are wall mounted air conditioners too that can be wall mounted as a wall air conditioners.
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