Things You'll Need:
- Pencil Oil paints Canvas Brushes Cloth Paint thinner
- Step1
Use a pencil to block in the initial layout of your painting. The sketching doesn't need to be exact. The idea is to define the space in your painting.
- Step2
Use gray, white, black and a little brown oil. Start with a wet brush dipped in gray and paint the general form of each rock. Don't worry about exact lines. The unevenness of the lines will enhance the look. Use broad strokes with a medium brush to form the rocks.
- Step3
Brush small strokes of black into the gray to achieve dark highlights that will add texture to your rocks. Go back over the black strokes with a damp brush and thin the dark colors out so they blend into the gray. Do this several times and at various pressure levels to create an even effect. You can even dab the tip of the brush on the paint to get a textured look.
- Step4
Apply light strokes of white paint with a very wet brush, letting the brush spread out as you bring it over each rock. This will put a light wash over the rocks and bring out the details.
- Step5
Go back over the rocks with brushes of black and even tiny bits of brown until you see the colors and textures of the rock take full effect. You can create smaller rocks, such as pebbles or a stone walkway, by applying brush dabs to your canvas with gray and touching them up with a wet brush and a small amount of black paint.
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