Landscape Edging

Landscape Designs and Landscaping Ideas


After a landscape has been implemented, it will have to be maintained. Landscape maintenance is the work involved, in keeping the landscape attractive, healthy, safe and clean. It is necessary to plan and carry out plantings, weeding and fertilising periodically. In addition, caring the lawn, pruning of shrubs and hedges, topiary (trimming/clipping of shrubs into exotic shapes), caring the plants and topsoil and other gardening is also part of landscape maintenance. Moreover swimming pool, drainage, lighting, other elements like rock garden, gazebo, pond, driveway, walkway and fencing must also be taken care of. When planning the landscape, it is absolutely necessary to design for low maintenance. If you lose that perspective, you will be spending much time doing maintenance around the grounds.

Site Analysis:

Landscaping maintenance is usually tied to the landscaping design. Both the present and future needs must be incorporated into the landscape design. It is better for the shade trees to be located on the eastern and western exposures of the yard. On the southern side, let winter sunlight warm the house. Thus sun and wind needs are controlled to some extent. In addition to this, storm runoff and soil drainage must be considered. Drainage must be properly designed, as excess water pools will be breeding ground for mosquitoes. Using a contour plan of the grounds, learn the natural flow of water channels, and then develop the drainage system. A retaining wall might be needed on a slope to avoid soil erosion. For good drainage, lower areas might need change of grade or additional fill of soil. All landscaping maintenance must be carried out, as per specifications. For instance, mow and water the lawn regularly, but do not water it overly. The grass must neither be cut too short, nor let it be overgrown. The yard must be aerated for health, once a year. Give the grounds all the care it requires.

It is necessary to do the soil test to find out the need for fertilisers and soil amendments. Determine when soil benefits from doses of organic matter. Do not till under the established trees, as it might destroy the roots of the trees, causing their death or decline. It might be imperative to amend small soil pockets every year, within many of the tree's root zone. The landscaping design must concentrate on enhancing aesthetics, as well as lower landscaping maintenance. The area landscaped must be in accordance with the ability to do landscaping maintenance.


It is better for plants to be massed together in special groups, than be scattered about. Xeriscape landscaping is beneficial for low maintenance. It is better to group plants and trees with similar environmental needs. Mixing of plants with dissimilar needs will make it difficult to provide the required light and water. Xeriscape landscaping will also make landscaping maintenance much easier, by easing the trimming and hand edging the around the individual plants. Furthermore, plants or trees with some minor flaws are shielded partially, enabling some convenient landscaping maintenance. The grass chosen for the lawn must be of the thriving quality, ones that will stay healthy, throughout all the seasons. Elements like water features and statues must be designed for least landscaping maintenance and care. A Sweeping vista, though dramatic, is harder to maintain. Flowers and turf need more maintenance than plants. Excess turf areas must be planted with low maintenance plants or shrubs and trees, as they need much lesser landscaping maintenance. Hardscape features need much lower maintenance. Edging around the beds, sidewalks and fences must be done in a way, which reduces the landscaping maintenance.

Preventive Maintenance:

Check regularly for insect, and disease outbreaks. Study the tolerable level of injury by pests. If only a branch or some leaves have been affected, it is much easier to remedy. Well-established deciduous trees are able to withstand full defoliation with much lesser consequences. Clean up the dead leaves in the pond regularly on a weekly basis, and prune the unnecessary growth. A pond less waterfall is much more easier to maintain, as there is no worry about water filtration and algae control.


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