Landscape Edging

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starting salary for an Interior Designer?

Interior Designers often end up making a substantial amount of money over the course of their career. However, they don’t just walk out the door of the college or university with a degree and start making thousands of dollars. Interior Design is one profession where you really have to get out there and prove yourself. Having a degree in the area simply is not enough.

ImageMost Interior Designers can expect to start out well above minimum wage. On average the rate for an Interior Design Assistant is $20 per hour. This amount depends on the company you work for as well as the cost of living in your area. Don’t let that rate of pay get you down though. On average most Interior Designers are able to move up in rank within a year or two. During their time as an assistant they learn valuable tricks and skills on the job that they never learned in school. Combined with their education though they have all they need to be successful.

If you don’t have an degree in Interior Design but you just enjoy doing the work, you may be able to make $10 or $12 per hour doing some independent work for friends, relatives, and co-workers. You may also get a few jobs here and there through word of mouth. For the most part though you won’t be getting the about of work you need to consider it full time employment. You also won’t be happy with the amount of money you make from the projects.

Most Interior Designers start out working for someone else. This is an excellent way to get work and build up your reputation. Word of mouth is going to definitely affect the amount of business you obtain. Anyone who is happy with the work you do for them is going to share that information with out people. At the same time those who see what you did are going to ask who completed the job.

Once you have established yourself as a quality Interior Designer you may find customers asking the company for you specifically. This greatly increases your value to them and it will likely get you a rise. This is also a good time for you to consider starting your own business. Those in the Interior Design business who do have their own business are likely to make twice as much money annually even after their expenses have been taken into consideration.


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