Landscape Edging

Landscape Designs and Landscaping Ideas

Architecture, Interior Design

Architecture encompasses the concepts of designing buildings with the focus being on the exterior of the structure as well as the safety mechanisms used in building it. Interior Design focuses on the layout and scheme of the design of everything inside of the building. Which one should you focus on? Many individuals are now deciding to take on both the concepts of Architecture and Interior Design. Combined, they are able to realistically design the interior building from the inside out.

ImageIn many ways this concept makes sense. After all it definitely alleviates the problem of having to deal with a separate architect and then an Interior Design business. You also don’t have to try to juggle both of their schedules to get everything completed. If one of them isn’t on schedule it can greatly influence the overall completion of the project. Having one contractor responsible for the interior and the exterior design means you won’t have such issues to contend with.

The concept of combining Architecture and Interior Design is really starting to catch on in some areas. A few of the major universities have developed a curriculum called Interior Architecture. These programs are very in depth and cover all the basic fundamentals of both Architecture and Interior Design. Make sure any such program you are looking into is accredited. You should plan on an Interior Architecture program taking four to five years to earn a Bachelors Degree.

One of the best Interior Architecture programs offered is at the University of Ohio. It is accredited by the Foundation for Interior Design Education Research. After the Junior year is completed students participate in a 10 week internship at a professional design office. The program also explores the concepts of digital technology in the areas of digital communications and applications using graphics.

Upon completing the program students are ready for a variety of entry level positions in Architecture, Interior Design, or a combination of both. All students for this program at Ohio University are required to provide a complete portfolio for review. The program encourages a diverse group of individuals who are interested in the areas of Architecture and Interior Design to apply for the program.


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