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How much can an Interior Designer Earn

The amount of money an Interior Designer can make in one year depends on a variety of factors. It is very hard to pinpoint an actual dollar amount because there is so much differentiation from each Interior Designer. While they definitely make more than minimum wage, the area where they live definitely influences the amount of money to be made.

ImageSome Interior Designers only work part time while others work more than 40 hours per week. Those who are employed with an agency or an Interior Design company will make significantly less than someone who is self employed. Even with the expenses they have for advertising and travel they will still make more money independently if they have a good reputation for the quality of their work.

The amount of education and experience an Interior Designer has also influences the amount of money they can earn annually. Someone right out of school with an Associates degree in Interior Design isn’t going to have the same money making opportunities as an Interior Designer with a Masters degree and five years of experience under their belt.

There are some general statistics out there though that you can use to get a good ball park figure of the earnings for an Interior Designer annually. The median income in the United States is $40,670 annually. It is reported that independent licensed Interior Designers earn from $55,000 to $70,000 annually. Those who work in a specialized area of Interior Design and who are self employed tend to make more money that any other area of Interior Designers.

The area of Interior Design is one in great demand. It is estimated to continue growing through the year 2014 so this is an excellent field with job security to get into. You can use your education in Interior Design to get employment in most any area of the world making it a very versatile career.

More homeowners are deciding to make changes to their interior design rather than selling them home to purchase another one. With the cost of mortgages continuing rises it is more cost effective. Businesses are also investing more in the interior design of their business than ever before. For Interior Designers that means there is more work available and more potential for even higher annual earnings in the years ahead.


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