Pond is a stunning feature, to any landscape. Pond with/without waterfall and fountains has a tendency, to be the focal point and dominate the landscape. Initially, while landscaping ponds, decide on the location of the pond. The sight of the pond and tickling sound of waterfall is captivating and soothing. The ground around the pond must be level. Furthermore, the pond must be in a place, where it will not be too overwhelmed by the other landscaping features. It must also be in a place, where everybody can enjoy its beauty. Before landscaping ponds, ensure that the ponds will get the required sunlight, as many aquatic plants and the plants around the pond need the required exposure to the sun. While landscaping ponds protect the pond from wind and deciduous trees, as twigs, leaves and other debris falling into the pond, decay to create bacteria and other unwanted elements. As a result, fish die and the pond smell nastily. Landscaping ponds must be done after proper designing, or else it can be time consuming and problematic. The most important aspect, to remember while landscaping ponds is that nature must be integrated into the pond.
Shape, Size and Other Decorative Touches:Ponds can be natural looking or geometric. The geometric shape suits formal ponds, while curvy ponds are for more casual. Similarly fountains enhance formal ponds, and informal ponds can use waterfalls. Formal ponds can be circular, rectangular or of any other standard shape. They can choose a different time period like Renaissance or Victorian style, or else opt for style like Mid-eastern or Japanese look. It is all up to your tastes, likes and dislikes, and garden design. It gives a harmonious look, to have a tie between the pond and the house. If the house is of brick then, edge the pond with brick. On the contrary, if the house uses stucco or it is an adobe type, then raise the pond and use the same paint as the house. Depending on the size of the yard, you choose the water feature. If the yard is small, use a small tub garden with/without a fountain.
It is better to go for a natural look. For instance, opt for a look, as if you have accidentally come upon a very simple pool in a woodland glen. You can stack rocks to an attractive bench, where you can relax, to enjoy the picturesque sight and sounds. Or else the rocks can be used to make the pond look, as if it is located on the side of the hill, to make it look intriguing. Trees and thick shrubs can frame the pond. Take care with the shape and size of the trees, as the pond landscape has to fit in with the size of your yard. Include lots of vegetation. It will not cost a lot, if you do it yourself. Depending on the area where you live, it might be possible to get free river rocks. Flowers can be used for landscaping ponds, as a lining or border around the pond. Adding a bridge, to cross over the pond is a charming touch. There are bridges spanning different lengths, with different types of rails. Water in the pond can always be moved, by using a pump.
Plants:Pond plants can cover half the pond. Never at any point should these plans cover, more than three quarters of the pond. Plants, not only enhance the beauty of the pond, but also fight algae. While landscaping ponds, use outdoor lighting, to accentuate the area around the pond, so as to create some illusions. Use of underwater lighting can create dramatic effect to make the pond and surroundings look their best. When selecting plants for landscaping ponds, take into consideration the climate. Tropical plants need sunlight and humidity, throughout the year, whereas hardy plants can withstand frost and cold. The marginal pond plants grow around the edges. Some of the plants that can be used include rush, cattail, water hibiscus, spider lily and taro.
Additional features:Another element that makes your pond interesting is fish. At night, underwater lights make them look fascinating. Goldfish can help to get a deeper impact for the pond. A koi fishpond can be created, if the pond is large. Plants provide some protection to fish, from the attack of predators. Use of good filtration removes the toxins and organic wastes, from the water. Garden fountains are easy to set up, and provides an atmosphere, with the sound they make. The fountain causes movement of water, thereby enriching the water with oxygen. Waterfalls help to create an enjoyable experience, with its gurgling sound and appearance. The landscaping of ponds is fun, as well as entertaining.
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