Landscaping plants are not only beautiful, but also need simple care. There are different types of plants that can be used, depending on the landscaping design and the area available for landscaping. Different landscaping plants need different things, for their growth. Consider which plants grow better in your area when landscaping, as well as the sunlight and shade available in the landscaped area. First develop the landscaping plan carefully, before buying plants. For this, it is necessary to know, the type of soil – sandy, loam, clay, acidic or alkaline. But if you want a plant that is not ideal for your soil, alter the soil condition, although not in a major way. Then find out how much space, the root systems of the plants need. Provide adequate space for plants to grow. Better to choose indigenous plants that grow well. If plants from other areas are selected, choose plants from areas having similar type of climate. Besides, select plants that bloom in different times of a year. Moreover, choose plants that look well, even if they are green and will not bloom.
Landscape plants, which are heat-beaters, are rather difficult to get. Two such plants are abelias and perennial cornflowers. If water is a problem, use plants that consume less water like longwood blue bluebeard and perrenial like autumn joy. Plants can be planted even during fall, as roots have no need to provide the plant with energy for growing, and can concentrate more energy on root production. When spring comes, then plants have lots of energy for top growth. More life can be added to the garden, by planting chrysanthemums, marigold, pansies and spring flowering bulbs. Division of perennials can also be done during fall. For winter months, plant orange or red berries or plants with bud heads, in different shapes. Obviously, plan for all the seasons to have a garden, that look good throughout the year.
Green plants:Make sure that the plants you use compliment your ideas and are in harmony with your other landscape elements. Soft landscaping or softscaping is the vegetation or plants used for landscaping. Green plants can be used as a colour element like other colours, or as a neutral transitional colour, to tie together various colours and elements. Even for lush and vibrant gardens, use many variations of green colour like light greens, yellow greens and dark greens to mention a few shades. Otherwise the same shade of green can be used, in various textures. Shady gardens with the beauty and lush look of a deep jungle, can be designed using different textures and shades of green.
Variety of colouring plants:When colours are used, just use three or four colours and repeat them throughout, so as to achieve a proper balance. Plants that attract wildlife like butterflies and hummingbirds add a unique natural element, for a wonderful landscape. For instance, plants like delphiniums, fuchsia, butterfly bushes, marigold, verbena bush, sunflowers, rabbitbrush, lilacs, geraniums, dandelions and daisies are attractive, to hummingbirds and butterflies. Vines like the exotic passion fruit vine are a good addition.
Indoor landscaping:If you want to do interior landscaping, the fact that plants do not just naturally grow must not be forgotten, as there needs must be taken care of. As light is a critical factor, you can use lower light, normal/meium light, higher light, as well as very higher light. If the light in the indoor area is minimal with mainly artificial lighting, then low light plants like parlor palm or Neanthe Bella Palm can be used. If there is medium light, use Laurel fig, an attractive and durable plant or Madagascar Dragon Tree which is a unique plant. For high light plants, use Clustered Fishtail Palm, Elephant Foot Tree or Miniature Date Palm and for very hight light, use Lady Palm or Queen Palm. Do not forget to water the plants and give time for them, to adapt to their new environment.
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