Landscaping shrubs look stunning, as well as add interesting colours, shapes, textures and appearance. At the same time they need, very little maintenance. Choosing and positioning some excellent shrubs, will enhance and complete the landscaping task. Landscaping shrubs can be found in a wide range. Usually the majority of the landscaping shrubs are tall and similar to small trees, especially in warmer climates. On the other hand, some landscaping shrubs are compact and some are even dwarf sized. Besides, some of the landscaping shrubs are evergreen even in winter, while some others lose their leaves in winter. Deciduous shrubs include hydrangeas, viburnums and butterfly bush, while evergreen shrubs comprise of rhododendrons, azaleas and hollies. Evergreen boxwood shrubs are rather hardy and need only limited pruning. Shrubs like lilac give height, to a low flower design and provide the required balance and a strong accent to the neighbouring features. Consequently, shrubs help to create a great overall visual impact. Pick colours that accentuate the home and the nearby features. If a mix of plants and shrubs is used, plan to have year round foliage.
Uses Of Landscaping plants:Landscaping shrubs not only look great and serve practical needs, but they also draw wildlife and butterflies. Shrubs have many uses, other than just adding colour. Shrubs can be used as privacy screens. When grouped together, shrubs help to focus the attention, on a focal point or to block an unwanted view. Likewise shrubs can keep traffic, off the lawn. To make an impassable fence, thorny plants are generally useful. The barrier shrubs must be neither obstructive nor invasive. Screen shade tolerant shrubs, if planted next to the big plants enhance the appearance and keep the tree trunk protected. Hardy shrubs are useful, for landscaping on the slopes and banks, so that their invasive roots will prevent soil erosion.
To hide a particular spot or a part of the house like foundation, plant a shrub that fits into the designated pace. The landscaping shrubs of low hugging variety can be used, as ground covers. Shrubs can be painless, easy to maintain alternatives to design a fine neat border. For instance, Bougainvillea offers gorgeous colours, is drought tolerant and require only minimum pruning. Otherwise bushes can be mixed with the intricate placing of vines, to make a delightful design. If hedges are planted in a formal border, they must be trimmed at regular intervals. Alternatively use a balanced mix of colours, heights and textures to give certain panache, interest, colour and style throughout the year, with only a little trimming. You can also showcase the landscape, with topiary. Since topiary, is the art of sculpting shrubs or trees into various designs or geometrical shapes, it is absolutely imperative to maintain the desired shape to give the right look.
Planting And Maintenance:Landscaping shrubs to thrive need healthy soil, as well as good drainage. So before planting new shrubs, mix compost with soil to improve it. Confirm that the roots of the shrubs are healthy, before planting. Regularly water the shrubs well. There is no need to plant lots of shrubs, to achieve the conceived look. The landscaping shrubs will spread out to fill in these gaps. Adding perennial flowers in between the shrubs makes the landscaping design, even more interesting.
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