Landscape Edging

Landscape Designs and Landscaping Ideas

Top Five Star Interior Design

If you travel to San Francisco, California then you need to take a close and personal look at the former headquarters or Bank of America. The biomedical engineering that is used for the structure of the building is only beginning of this amazing building. On the 50th floor you will find one of the best laid out interior design projects you have ever seen.

ImageThe 50th floor now belongs to the private equity firm Kohlberg, Kravis, Roberts & Company. Instead of finding a 25,000 square feet floor covered in paneled walls and formal furniture that can often be intimidating you will find a very comfortable design. Huntsman Architectural Group is credited with bringing the comfort and luxury of various hotels, homes, and offices to the 50th floor. The result is an amazing work area that not only meets the needs of the employees but embraces each of the customers from the moment they walk through the door.

Furniture is a common concern in a work environment. While it needs to be comfortable it also needs to be ergonomically correct to protect the employees. It will also help them to be more productive and that saves both time and money for the business. Selecting the right furniture for customers that is comfortable as well as fits the personality of the business can be quite a challenge.

Kate McIntyre, owner of Ironies Studio, was in charge of taking care of the furniture needs for Kohlberg, Kravis, Roberts & Company. She finished the look with some customized pieces she designed. Among them are two chandeliers made from polished horn, tables with eel skin on them, and classic looking chairs with four legs to offer plenty of room and comfort.

Careful consideration was given to the layout of the work areas in this business. It looks professional but at the same time very different than most business of its type. All of the work equipment including printers and other items are hidden in beautiful wood cabinets. There is a small table in the middle of each office so a small meeting can take place. Each of the offices is set up slightly different to give some individuality to the entire look.

The most challenging part of this entire project was the two executive offices. The problem was due to the structural design of the 50th floor. The corners met at strange angles so there was a narrow space that offered a view on three sides. To get the most out of this space it was divided in half. There are two offices and a medium sized meeting room in the middle that can be accessed from both of these executive offices.

Since so many employees eat lunch at work there is a beautiful kitchen and dining area to allow them to enjoy their meals in comfort. To help individuals prepare for the transition from the elevator of the main entrance to what they will find on the 50th floor careful planning was put into action. There is a very unique concierge desk with a wall behind it made from distressed leather.

The unique interior design of Kohlberg, Kravis, Roberts, & Company allows both the employees and the customers to be comfortable. It says a lot about the attitude of the company. It shows they are willing to step outside of the traditional business comfort zone and try something new that works for them.

This carries over to impressed customers who believe the will go that extra mile while handling their accounts as well. The impressive meeting rooms on the 50th floor don’t just look great though, they are where million dollar deals are presented, discussed, and put into motion.


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